Computer Pornography

If you have arrived here because you have had your computer seized by Federal or State authorities, you need to speak to an experienced attorney immediately.  When you contact us, we will answer all of your questions at no charge. We understand how difficult this is and are here to help.


Computer Pornography can include both child pornography and other forms of pornography that may be illegal. Most Pornography available on the internet is, however, legal.

  • Child Pornography is by far the most prosecuted type of computer pornography and we cover it in detail here. Child Pornography
  • Other Illegal Computer Pornography - this can include obscenity which is a very complex area of law that we have significant experience in. In fact, in a case involvoing anime, we were successful in having a federal statute held unconstitutional for not following what is known as the Miller test for obscenity. More recently, laws have been passed prohibiting what is commonly known as "revenge porn" which is the publishing of nude or pornographic material without the subjects consent. Since this is a very new area of law the rules are developing.